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A2Z-BADGE [2016]`

crossing-the-finish-line-4-dr-diva-verdunI will admit that I was ZEALOUSLY looking forward to tackling this A to Z Challenge as I missed it last year. I will ALSO admit that halfway through I was thinking, what the heck have I gotten myself into! Especially after having just done 47 days of Lenten posts. I have posted 89 days in a row now, only actually missing 4 days since January 1st. And if the counter on my stats page is correct, this will be my 1000th post! I am amazed! I didn’t think I’d last through December 2014 (I started in October that year). Thank God for Blogging 101. Taking that class was a real rubber band moment for me. And that’s where I met most of you!!!

That having been said I will also admit that I have ZEALOUSLY looked forward to getting to Z! And here we are!

I’ve learned some things along the way with this challenge. First, I can’t read a book and write blogs. Second, I do much better writing on the spur of the moment than planning something out. Third, that I suck at picking themes!!! Next year I will put much more thought into that.

I didn’t do a terrific job at keeping up with reading other blogs from the list. About halfway through the month I started to fizzle out. BUT, I’m determined to take the time today to go read how many ever I should have by now. A job worth doing is worth doing right, right? So I will ZEALOUSLY throw myself into that reading frenzy post haste!

It’s been fun. I’ve met a lot of new people, followed a few whom I can tell are going to be great neighbors. My hat’s off to the folks who organized this. I nearly died when I saw how many people signed up.

So will I do it again next year? ZEALOUSLY! And now I’m to go throw myself just as ZEALOUSLY into cooking Lord Drollery some breakfast!

“Yay!” she screams as she stumbles across the finish line, hands in the air, big sloppy grin on her face. “I did it!”





The Blogging A to Z Challenge — Z

Photo Credits:
Don’t Quit — www.paulscavella.com
Crossing the Finish Line — runnershealth.com