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I promised myself that while I was getting my act together with all these little Myasthenia Gravis aliens running around my body I’d get at least TWO posts up on here a week. I nearly forgot it’s Wednesday today!

But I found a couple really cool questions in my “If… (Questions for the Game of Life)” book that go together well. So today I’ll ask you two!

If you could have any single writer from HISTORY write your biography, who would it be? AND, if you could have one CURRENT writer write your biography, who would you pick?

The first one was easy for me. It would have to be Harper Lee who wrote “To Kill A Mockingbird.” In watching an interview with her a few years before she died she made a comment that has always stuck with me. She said she never wrote more books because she had only one thing to say and she said it in her book. That comment spoke volumes to me about what kind of person she was. Not writer, mind you, but person. She knew her own mind and was decisive. I think she would be the kind of person who would draw all her conclusions about my life before writing that book. She’d know exactly who I was, too.

I had to think a minute about a current author. I finally settled on Khaled Hosseini whose books “The Kite Runner” and “A Thousand Splendid Suns” opened my eyes to a whole big world outside myself and my culture. But then he went on to write “And the Mountains Echoed” and I was able to see how his tales of love within families and generations spanned all cultures. I would love to see what he would do with MY family and all its weird members, to see us from an outsider’s view. An outsider with a gift for valuing connections.

Ok, YOUR turn. Who would YOU pick and choose?



Picture Source:
Harper Lee — The Odyssey Online
To Kill a Mockingbird — Watchmovie.me
Khaled Hosseini — ChicagoNow
Sister & Brother — WHSmith Blog