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So here we go! Here’s a “loosening up” exercise from Allen’s book just to get your creative juices flowing. How do you see yourself? Has your perspective of yourself changed over the last year? Have you EVER come into a new understanding of yourself? If so, what precipitated it?

Now, make four lists that you feel describe you and some of the preferences in your life:

If you were asked to choose seven words to describe yourself, what would they be?

If you were asked to choose seven objects that have meaning for you, what objects would you choose?

If you were asked to choose seven colors that have meaning for you, what colors would you choose?

If you were asked to choose seven places that have meaning for you, what places would you choose?

When you’ve completed your writing, leave a comment on this post with a link to your response. It’s as easy as that! Good luck, and have fun!


Picture Source: Me to the power of We | positive thinking | mindset | gratitude

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Fim’s post (Quantum Hermit) — Loose as a Goose
Fim’s addendum (Quantum Hermit) — Rainbow Addendum
Ivor’s post (Ivor.Plumber/Poet) — A Plumber in the Trenches
Jane’s post (Making it write) — Digging in the Sand
Calen’s post (Impromptu Promptlings) — I thought “lists” were barriers enclosing an area for a jousting tournament!
Linda’s post (Spiritual Dragonfly) — Sandbox Writing Challenge…Second Go Round
Clare’s post (Clare’s Cosmos) — A Step Into the Sandbox
Raili’s post (Soul Gifts) — Serial Sevens