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For The Sandbox Writing Challenge 32 this week I’ve had to think and think and think about this. I think I thunk so hard I gave myself a headache a couple days. There are so many things that would make me smile. Like Stef and Jesse moving back here with our four grandkids, paying the mortgage off on the house, getting my own car. But those things all seem so, “Well yeah! Of course that would make you smile!” They’re all a “smile” given.

Cleaning & Maid Services_300_200I wanted to think of something unexpected that would REALLY put a grin on my face. And I finally came up with the perfect thing, something for both Drollery and me. Staff!!! A maid and a lawn care specialist!

For me, someone to come in at least once a week and give our humble hovel a good, swift sprucin’ up. Especially the bathroom and kitchen. The other rooms I can manage pretty well, and the laundry I can handle. But those floors and that bathtub… Bending is something I’m not supposed to do. I would be SO thrilled to have a little help.

can-stock-photo_csp16107239For Drollery, someone to mow and groom the yard (and if they knew a little landscaping art, that would be great, too). He could also use a little help with putting one more coat of paint on the house and shed, and putting up the new rain gutters. Oh! And mustn’t forget the new shutters. There’s just not enough hours in the day for him to do what needs to be done around this house now that we’re starting to put some work into it before he retires.

Let me tell you what! If Drollery walked in here one night and said he’d hired some folks to give us a hand, I wouldn’t stop smilin’ for days! Ah, but one can only dream… Sigh…

(Btw, how many maids in provocative outfits does it take to clean a house, ’cause Googe’s got hundreds of them!!! 😮 )


Picture Credits:
maid — www.homeadvisor.com
man mowing lawn — www.canstockphoto.com