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I’m feeling quite ONIONY today. And lest you think I made that word up, here you go:


adjective: oniony
6. containing or cooked with onions: onion soup.
7. of, relating to, or resembling an onion.

For a long time now ONION has been my favorite metaphor for trying to figure out who I am. I’ve always fancied if I could strip away enough layers of learned behavior and roles I’d acquired over the years, eventually I’d come to the very middle of that onion where the naive, innocent part of me dwelt. The part that was there before the world went about changing me into someone — something — I’m not.

Japanese_Caves_on_GuamI’ve been spelunking in the cave of my soul for a good 12 or 13 years now, little by little uncovering artifacts that have helped peel away layer after layer of that ONION. Sometimes I’ve figured I’d never sort out how I was meant to be under all the debris. I’ve felt like I was running out of time.

But in my bones I feel as if I’m close to my core now. And suddenly a new fear has overtaken me. What if when I get there and peel away that last little bit there’s nothing there? Where would I go from there? Or more horribly, what if I get there and I’m the same person I was when I started? What of all the wasted years. The times of delightful discovery and disappointed tears?

Open blank pages of old book on wood backgroundClearly it’s time for a new metaphor. So today I’m trading my ONION in to the Metaphor Dealership for a blank journal. When I get there to my core, when I’ve dug as far as I can in my cave, I don’t want to be a Job sitting mired in self-pity, I want a fresh new page full of possibilities to write on.

Will I be able to rewrite my story, begin anew? Heck, I don’t know. I just know I don’t want all these years of excavating to have been for naught.



The Blogging A to Z Challenge — O

Picture Credits:
onion — thepeopleofthesign.com
heart cave — yellowairplane.com
blank journal — www.depthinsights.com