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I’ve had a discombobulating three weeks, part of which has been dealing with a back injury that makes it hard for me to sit for long stretches at a time (and I’ve discovered it’s harder than heck to type on a laptop lying down). So I have tended to space off playing in the Sandbox. But things are looking up finally! Yay! So I’ve gotta get my head back in order and pay attention to these.

This challenge was chuck full of questions, and as I considered the first one,

What are the things that make you happy?

I started to wonder if I haven’t been settling a little bit lately… (And by that I don’t mean areas of my body are settling into shapes I’m not crazy about!) But it seems like lately I’ve allowed contentment to be more important than being happy. And while that maybe true in the grand scheme of things, happy is what makes the world keep spinning. Right? Yet here Drollery and I sit with not the least inclination to pursue any of those activities we always enjoyed.

sonic_drive_inSo what things make me happy? Blogging. Going for short scenic rides in the car. Going to Starbucks to sit and shoot the bull with a friend. Drivin’ down to Sonic late in the evening with Drollery and getting a $1 ice cream cone, then sitting there talking (like we used to do when we were dating). If I’m grocery shopping when Arn comes home from work and sees the car in the parking lot then comes in and surprises me. And sitting with him on Saturday mornings (while Bran’s at work) rehashing the week over a cup of coffee.

I actually did a collage years ago as a exercise from Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way. The exercise was to cut pictures out of magazines of things that make you happy. It was fun. 😀


Can’t see it very well, but it was a fun thing to do, and I highly recommend it. I actually found out some things about myself I didn’t know! (And no snarly comments about Willie!. 🙂 )

The second question (in conjunction with the third) hit close to home for me:

I think I’m afraid to be really crazy happy
because whenever I do _____________.

Are you one of the fortunate folks who never struggle with that fear of waiting for the other shoe drop?
If you are, tell us why!

We’ve had three major financial setbacks in our married life, all due to issues with Drollery’s job (yes, the SAME bloomin’ job). Each time we pulled ourselves out of the hole it left us in, but each time it took longer and longer to bounce back. And it seems like every time we’d just start to let our guard down and get comfortable again, BAM!!! something else unexpected would happen (like the office getting moved to Puerto Rico!). And after awhile I guess I became one of those “worst case scenario” people. It’s not a happy place to be in. And yes, we are always waiting for the other shoe to drop.

images-5But in the meantime Drollery and I have decided we need to throw caution to the wind and go have some fun. It doesn’t have to cost a fortune to have a date that begins at HIS favorite store, Office Max, and ends at MINE, Barnes & Noble, having a cup of Starbucks coffee in their cafe.

This is a relatively NEW awakening on our part, but we’re getting better at it. Had a date for dinner at Olive Garden last night and then went to see Sully with Tom Hanks. Great movie. Though I cried happy tears at the end.

So, all things considered, I guess I’m on a mission now to see what else I can find that makes me happy! Of course that WILL entail getting my keister out of the house!


Picture Credits:
Sonic Drive-In — Wikimedia Commons
College — moi
Starbucks Frappucino — FactSlides

The Sandbox Writing Challenge #61 — Happiness is NOT a dropping shoe!