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I was reading my daily devotional this morning (A Year With Rilke) and was struck by something Rilke said.

The tasks that have been entrusted to us are often difficult. Almost everything that matters is difficult, and everything matters. (from Letters to a Young Poet)

The thought went through my head, “What matters to you at this time in your life?” That’s something I’ve given a lot of thought since the first of the year. I had said a week or so ago I was going to continue on with my personal theme of Just Breathe for 2017, as I knew I hadn’t gotten it right yet. But the other thing I realized I need to be working on is Mindfulness, Being in the Moment. Plato (the younger) has been shooin’ me in that direction for a couple years now.

In thinking about Being in the Moment, and about what a hard time I’m having with the whole Spiritual aspect of my life, I decided to experiment with something. Spiritual Dragonfly has positively inspired me with her morning rituals, so I set out to create my own. I like meditating. And meditating often leads to spontaneous prayer for me. So after fiddling around with the idea for a few days, this is what I’ve come up with.

First I decided I needed an altar to anchor my spirit while I was engaged. I would have loved to have an pretty altar cloth, but every nice thing I have is too big for the small raffia storage cube, I wanted to use. So I decided to use the beautiful little doily Raili sent me to prettify the space..😀 then I needed to add the elements. A bowl of rocks for Earth. A glass jar of sea shells for Water. An antique cast iron candy 20170118_092801dish in the shape of a leaf with a bird perched on it to represent Air. And a scented candle for fire.

A couple years ago my son bought me this wooden candle holder with three tealights embedded in pebbles. I’ve used it a lot, buy the tealights by the BAG now. So I added that to represent Body, Soul, and Spirit. I finished up with a small glass cross I’ve had for years because even though my understanding of spiritual matters is changing, it’s still a symbol of my spiritual life that I’m comfortable with. And, of course, I have quiet, meditative music going in the background. AND to heck with that sitting in a lotus position. I just get comfy!!!

breath-prayer-header-e1393438071569Then I set to writing my ritual, a series of Breath Prayers. Breathe in four counts for the first line, out four counts for the second, and repeat.

Come Creator of all things
you are welcome here…
Creator of all things
please heal my weary Body…
Creator of all things
please heal my yearning Soul…
Creator of all things
please heal my earthbound Spirit…

You know how it is when you meditate. Your mind is constantly interrupted with wandering thoughts. So the whole point of using the Breath Prayers is to turn each thought into a prayer. For example:

Creator of all things
please help me to be more tolerant…
Creator of all things
please give me wisdom…

So whenever a random thought comes along, I grab it instead of shooing it away as some folks teach you to do when you meditate, I turn it to something positive. Then I go on repeating the ritual.

I worried at first I wouldn’t be able to last the 30 minutes since I normally do 15 or 20 when I DO meditate. So I started setting a timer to see how long I would go. Surprisingly I haven’t needed it. I’ve been over half an hour each time I’ve done it. And when I feel as if I’ve found that peace I’m looking for, I close with:

Creator of all things
thank you for your presence…
Creator of all things
blessed be ye…
Creator of all things
I give you all I have to give…
Creator of all things
please accept the gifts of my heart..
Amen and amen…
So may it be.

I’ve been asking myself for days now why I didn’t do this before. I have NO idea if this qualifies as Mindfulness or Being in the Moment, but it feels very right for me. And I can honestly say taking the phone off the hook and shutting everything else done is so “cocooning.” I noticed another interesting little side affect. My blood sugar drops by about 20 points!

Do any of you guys meditate? Do you have a special place or items you use to create the desired ambiance? If you do, please share them in the comments. I’d love to hear what other folks have done.


Picture Source:
Breath Prayers — Conversation Revolution
