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Thought this was a very relevant way to look at my own Christian faith journey. Thought I’d share it. It reminded me of the Britt Merrick’s quote:

Part Of The Challenge And The Adventure Of The Christian Life Is Learning How To Listen To The Spirit So We Can Respond To The Needs Around Us. - Britt Merrick

Part Of The Challenge And The Adventure Of The Christian Life Is Learning How To Listen To The Spirit So We Can Respond To The Needs Around Us. – Britt Merrick

The Path of Grace

Walking Path On A Mountain Ridge In The Morning HD Desktop Background

Some of the most enduring stories in our culture are adventure stories. Think about it for just a minute and I’m sure you can name at least a couple. For me the first two that come to mind are Star Wars and the Lord of the Rings. Both of these stories feature an individual who leaves their home and goes out on a path to fulfill their purpose in life. In psychology and literature, there’s even a name for this: it’s called an “archetype,” or more specifically this particular archetype is called “The Hero’s Journey.” In fact, some people would say that you can boil pretty much every story down to a hero’s journey.

Of course the Bible is full of these kind of stories. One of the first ones we come across is the story of Abram in Genesis 12. It’s this story that Brian McLaren introduces us to…

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