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run-away_monty-pythonArthur and Oz (Audio) | Plato’s Groove.

Please take a minute to stop by and hear Plato read his poem. Reading poems aloud is such a lost art form these days. I know you’ll love it. Plato’s Groove.

Arthur and Oz

“Run away,” they cried.  Coconut shells beating out the rhythm.

On a quest, foolish tasks, tests with no purpose

Stupid King with no kingdom, only coconuts

Grail vision at least lead them toward their fear

White bunny, Holy hand grenades, battle won

Movie within a movie

Fear is like that

It is not the enemy, it is a guidepost pointing toward what is illusion


Left home in a storm, betrayed left unprotected, vulnerable

Toto barks at opportunity for change

Advice from Munchkins followed, seeking Wizard, the honest liar

Can’t think, can’t feel, no courage, yet moves toward source of dread

Fix me, broomstick in hand, unaware of victory, angry

Fear is like that

Dream within a dream

Red shoes already on her feet, she just needs to want to go home


The white bunny always points the way out of the show

The way out of Oz is always through the Witch’s castle