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I am bored out of my mind today. Been sitting here wondering what I could do to entertain myself. I thought about how long it’s been since I’ve been shopping. You know the kind of shopping you do when you just browse in your favorite store for a couple hours, even if you don’t buy anything? Then I started wondering what I would buy…

I decided to make it into a game, so here’s the deal… You’re in the largest department store ever! It has every KIND of department you could want. You’ve been given the gift of buying ten things. JUST TEN. What departments would you visit and what would you buy? (I actually had to think hard after the first seven!)


““““Electronics: A New Age CD, flat screen TV for Drollery
““““Office Supplies: Package of R.S.V.P. pens, a hand-held scanner
““““Books & Magazines: A new book
““““Kitchen: New set of cookware
““““Art Supplies: Aida cloth for cross stitching
““““Shoes: Pair of summer shoes
““““Women’s Sundries: New purse, a new scarf

Ok, your turn. What ten things would YOU buy? And keep in mind money is no object. (Must admit, part of me is just being snoopy!. 😉 )


Picture Credit: mivashop.com