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I’ve just come from reading Fimnora’s response to the Sandbox Writing Challenge (#44) this week. I can honestly say SHE inspired me — to think outside of the box regarding this prompt! As soon as I read her post I knew one of the things that inspires me the most is journals. They inspire me to keep hiking through my life. They can be hardback, leather, cardboard, loose-leaf binder, whatever, though most definitely NOT a computer!


20160623_120440These are three of my favorites. (Left to right, all hand-made: from my daughter Stef from the Himalayas, from my Aussie sister Kim (that’s covered in two large leaves), and from my Canadian friend Serge who brought it back for me from Germany. They are just too beautiful to write in.

I have many others packed away that have never been written in. I’ll probably never use them all. I can honestly say I’m addicted to journals. And I have many themed journals.

20160623_123733Top left is my daily journal (Because the Journey Matters), then my Saturday Morning Kitchen Khronicles journal, a List Your Self journal with some fun prompts about who you were growing up or are now. Bottom left is my art journal where I keep friend’s works, Learning to Fall (a journal of prompts put together by a 35-year-old man who was dying of ALS — very poignant questions), and a couple pages from the journal I made as I worked through Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way.

But the journal that inspires me the most is a blank, lined journal with nothing written in it. It inspires me for the simple reason that, contrary to what it LOOKS like, it’s full of POSSIBILITIES. When I see those empty pages I know I still have breathing room in my soul.


So the next time you get befuddled and don’t know where or how to start again, go find yourself a blank journal, stare at it for awhile, and imagine all the possibilities that are waiting for you within. As long as there’s a new blank page every day, there’s another adventure just waiting to come alive.


Remember that perfection may not look perfect and can emerge from what seems to be chaotic if given room to breathe.
— Teal Dick


Picture Credits:
Journals — moi
Lined Journal — lettersandjournals.blogspot.com
Girl With Journal — peoplethingsandlife.wordpress.com