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facebook-logo-png-2-0Have been over visiting Janet’s blog at Elixir: Creative and Reflective Writing. She wrote an excellent post about starting her Facebook page and how she really enjoyed reconnecting with so many family members and friends — for awhile. But then a bit later she discovered WordPress and found that the feeling for her was kind of different.

wordpress-logo-stacked-rgbNow Janet is struggling with whether to close her Facebook page, and there are a bunch of questions running through her mind about it. Things I would never have thought of like “…how can I positively influence the state of the world?” I really urge you to drop by her blog and have a read. It gave me a lot of food for thought. You can find it at Averting One’s Face.

I’d started a Facebook page years ago, but just could not abide the thing! I still have it, but only so my daughter could share the grandkiddos’ pictures with me (because she’s too dern lazy to email them!!! Yes, I mean YOU, young lady!). I told Janet I’d be curious to see what she decided in the end. This was her response to my comment:

When I decide I’ll let you know. Part of me wants to maintain my FB connections, but I am discovering more and more that WordPress contacts encourage more meaningful conversations’ on a range of diverse topic with people from across the world. Perhaps it’s because spending anything from ten minutes to three hours writing a post makes one more thoughtful and measured? Since starting my blog and reading other blogs (something I still struggle to find the time for) I feel as if FB is where you meet people at the bus stop and WordPress is where you sit down to a meal. Even contact with lifelong friends becomes abbreviated on Facebook, which makes me more than a little sad. Something I have found somewhat confusing is that most of my long term friends don’t read my blog, or if they do they don’t comment. Maybe they think the ‘me’ on FB and the ‘me’ on WordPress is the same person, but the FB me is the person you’d meet at the bus stop. WordPress me is more like the ‘real’ (?) me How did deep and intimate friendships get reduced to ticking ‘like’? Maybe there is another blog post hidden in the fold of that question.

I’m posting this because I thought it might spark some interesting discussion. Do YOU have a Facebook page? How does it compare to a blog? Which do you prefer? Inquiring minds want to know! (Well, at least mine and Janet’s!)


Picture Sources:
Facebook — FreeIconsPNG
WordPress — WordPress.org