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I love all beginnings, despite their anxiousness and their uncertainty, which belong to every commencement. If I have earned a pleasure or a reward, or if I wish that something had not happened; if I doubt the worth of an experience and remain in my past–then I choose to begin at this very second. Begin what? I begin. I have already thus begun a thousand lives.

(Ranier Maria Rilke, Early Journals)


Welcome to 2017, the year I leave my dig behind — the artifacts of me from the past, the schematics of what I’d hoped would be the new me for the future — and attempt to learn to live in the moment.

Yesterday the Wizard said to me, How do you fix “not there yet”? If you have three hours left on a trip you can fret about not being “there” or enjoy the scenery of where you are now. I recognize the wisdom in his words, but I really suck at the whole slowing down and being fully present thing. That being the case, it seems like a good idea to make that my goal this year, to learn to be “in the moment” as much as I can.

080308_850_img_7345-thumb-300x225To that end, yesterday afternoon Percy and I nailed up this sign and set out on our journey for the new year.

And just as I suspected within only a few hours the pair of us had found our way to Oz, thanks to the map the Wizard had given us that took us right to the famed Yellow Brick yellow-brick-roadRoad! As you can see it was just getting dark by the time we got there. How we missed the village with the munchkins is beyond me, but miss it we did. And before we knew it, we were already lost as could be with not a soul in sight!

So with the Wizard’s wise words under out belt, we have decided to just take our time and enjoy our surroundings. The Wizard has warned us, though, to be on the lookout for witches while we journey. I sure as heck hope I’ll recognize them when I see them!!! (Can’t depend on them all wearing green face paint, I suppose…. o_O )

common-raccoon-procyon-lotor-psora-copiaPercy and I sure hope you have made up your minds to start out on some great adventures this year, too. I know Spiritual Dragonfly has. She’s packed her rucksack and set out as well and is looking for a traveling companion. I can recommend raccoons as they have sharp little claws and can open darn near anything! They’re good at dumpster diving, too, in case you run out of vittles. Cletus here is from Percy’s old hood. . 😀

Percival CropWell, it’s about time for us to bed down for the night. Hope 2017 got off to a good start for ya’ll. Percy and I look forward to seeing you around. In the meantime you’ll know where to find us. We’ll be somewhere…



Picture Sources:
Keep Out — Funkypancake
Yellow Brick Road — Disney Wiki – Wikia
Cletus — Zoo Portraits
Lost in Oz Banner — | The Charlotte Observer