One Seeker’s Journey

Funny. I don’t suppose I ever stopped to think about who’d be reading this, or who I even WANTED to be reading this. I guess for the most part I was just wondering along with Rebe McEntire if there’s life out there.

Is there life out there
So much she hasn’t done
Is there life beyond
Her family and her home
She’s done what she should
Should she do what she dares
She doesn’t want to leave
She’s just wonderin
Is there life out there

(Is There Life Out There written by Susan Longacre and Rick Giles)

I’ve been in semi-retirement for the last ten years doing odd jobs now and then, but for the most part I’m going brain-dead from the non-stimulating atmosphere of housework and a family who thinks I’m entirely “too deep for my own good.” (Reflecting on your life is not like fracking, of course, but it can leave the ground trembling in your family when you decide to be who you really are rather than who they’ve made you out to be for years.)

Indy hat 2So I’ve become a spelunker, rooting around in the caves of my younger life, trying to figure out which of these hats I trade off daily (wife, mother, teacher, friend, writer, etc.) is the one that really suits me best. It may not be trendy when I find it, but then style is all in the eye of the beholder — or so I’ve been told.

That being said, I’m looking for people who are NOT uncomfortable with going on an adventure. People who, like me, are wondering what, if anything, they may have missed out on in their lives. Not that all those longings can ever be fulfilled, but it’s just nice to know where the path of one’s life might have diverged at some other point. The road not taken and all that…

I would hope you would be like-minded in some ways and that the things I write about would resonate somewhere within your own archeological digs. I’m a seeker, firstly, plain and simple. And I have the personality of a dragonfly! I flit from one thing to another — up, down, side-to-side, backward, forward, even in a diagonal pattern from time to time. Ya just never know what you’re going to get with me. But if you’re not afraid to go along for the ride, then you’re my kind of reader.

Please be warned, however, as I’m not content to always stay in one place for very long because I’m, secondly, a pilgrim with an insatiable need to learn. I love Enya’s song Pilgrim. It could be my theme song. So if you’re a seeker and a pilgrim, please join me now and then. We may find some experiences — past or present — we could share together, or at least have a good laugh or cry over.

And now I’m going to “go and learn things,” as Dwayne Pride says in NCIS: New Orleans.

88 thoughts on “One Seeker’s Journey”

  1. Soul Gifts said:

    And many years later, my good friend Calen, you are still spelunking and learning things. What a wondrous journey we are on in this thing we call life 🙂

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  2. I feel like I’ve met a kindred spirit tonight. Cheryl then? I’m Niki but — and this is such cool synchronicity — I was just telling Ivor that I love being called Tizz — gamer name from the late 90’s, long story, bit accidental, and that it means, basically ’tis. Then I see the caption tonight above your photo: “OH LOOK! ‘TIS HERSELF!” I used to tell my kids that’s God winking aka synchronicity. =) Well met! ♥.

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  3. Hope you enjoyed your weekend Cheryl. Enya’s ‘pilgrim’ has touched something deep within. Looking forward to being fellow pilgrims.
    Take care

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    • I do so love that song. It took me a good four years to realize that this journey will never end this side of the door.THEN there will be another journey! Finding out what it means to be open and think outside the box is the way we grow. I think the older we get the more we realize, for example, that not everything is black and white. There’s room for a lot of gray out there… I had a nice weekend. Hope you did, too.

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  4. I think we could become blogging-buddies. i resonate with your desire to find out more about yourself and life, especially seeing we have both already traveled a fairly long road with a few detours and side adventures.

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  5. itsacrazycatladything said:

    Your story resonates with me deeply. At this time in my life, I’m experiencing some inner changes and yearnings to know more about why I’m here – my purpose etc. I’m currently reading about Archetypes by Caroline Myss which is very similar to the tarot cards and connects to your Seekers Journey which I have enjoyed reading, what I have read so far has helped me to make a little more sense of my own struggles and just wanted to say thank you.

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    • Caroline Myss… I have her book “Entering the Castle” around her somewhere. I tried reading it once 20+ years ago but I wasn’t in the right place then. Being in the right place makes all the difference in the world, I’ve found. I’m so glad you stopped by and commented. I’ll look forward to getting to know you. 🙂

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  6. Denzil - Life Sentences said:

    Glad I found you! Looking forward to joining you on the journey! Love that Enya song too!

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  7. Safar Fiertze said:

    Well, don’t think it could be said that I wasn’t lacking in a sense of adventure. I’ve never thought of myself as a pilgrim before though, but I do feel that our journey next year will be a form of pilgrimage. I hope you find a hat that suits, and I’m all for going against the grain and openly defying fashion and style. Looking forward to continuing the journey with you.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hail & well met. Truly enjoying getting to know you.

    Hey, since I don’t see links to facebook or twitter or email, where I might send you a private message, I’ll just mention here: I clicked on the book cover in your sidebar to see about the Sandbox Challenge, and it seemed to take me somewhere where there was no Sandbox Challenge. Might have a look at that link? Haha it’s like telling you if you have spinach in your teeth right? What are friends for?

    Oh, and I like your metaphor of being a dragonfly. Did you know that dragonflies have like the most complex visual field of all lifeforms? From

    “Dragonflies (and bees) have the largest compound eyes of any insect; each containing up to 30,000 facets, and the eyes cover most of the insect’s head, resembling a motorcycle helmet. In contrast to a human eye, each facet within the compound eye points in a slightly different direction and perceives light emanating from only one particular direction in space, creating a mosaic of partially overlapping images.”

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey there! The link for the Sandbox Challenges is up in the top menu. That was just the book we were using. I put it on there in case anyone wanted to buy it. But I’ve changed it now. One of the people who regularly participate just lost a spouse last Friday. I felt this wasn’t the time to be digging into those questions. I have switched to a different book and just have to change the picture. Thanks for the note as I’ll remember to go do that now.

      As to the dragonfly, I didn’t know that. That’s weird. Glad I don’t have THAT kind of sight. It’s the movement of the dragonfly that fascinates me. I wrote about how it came to be my totem.

      Oh, and I have a Drop Me A Note in my top menu, too, should you want to get hold of me.


    • Safar Fiertze said:

      And I just thought they were pretty!

      When I visited Missouri a few years ago, I was floating in the river and several damselfly mating pairs settled on my torso. I wonder how they were perceiving their most unusual of landing spots?

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  9. Such a lovely post. I can really relate to your comments about depth and the fracking analogy is great! Your thoughts about becoming a pilgrim (with beautiful, calming music to accompany you from the wonderful Enya) also resonate. It feels like you are taking us all on a journey and I can’t wait to join you x

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  10. This is like a call to programming, I love it. It is certainly the road less taken, but well worth the trip.

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  11. Glad to have come across your pilgrim’s journey, calensariel. You inspire others. I will be checking in from time to time. I like your honesty, awareness and courage. Thank you. Kate Solveig.

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  12. So pleased to have stumbled upon your blog by following the dragonfly. I am beginning to realise that I too am a Seeker and a Pilgrim. I don’t believe that I have heard Enya’s Pilgrim before, I will be adding that to my music playlist now. Bless You Joy

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m glad you liked the song, Joy. I’ve pondered the words long and hard. So glad you came by. I do love dragonflies. What made you realize you are a Seeker and Pilgrim?


      • I started to write a blog about 2 years ago and called it “This Pilgrims Progress” I hardly wrote any posts lol Then when I read your blog, I recognised a kindred spirit. Guess I always have been, just never thought too much about it. Now I have identified with it, I will write more posts for that blog once this AtoZChallenge is over. Blessings Joy

        Liked by 1 person

      • Will look forward to reading them. I did follow you, didn’t I? Better go check while I’m thinking about it…


  13. Lovely musings… I am a pilgrim and always a seeker like you!Hugs from Athens

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  14. How could I not like it, hear the Irish in it, reminds me of running down the cobble road to Nanna and Grandad and their arms open full of love, and shedding tears and tears when I had to leave Ireland, my “Home”. Also it tells me something about my journey to San Francisco and all I hope to recapture. Thanks Cheryl.

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  15. teamjacksonadventures said:

    I like what you’ve written here and I find myself on the beginning of a path and journey as well. I’m new and kind of shy to all this but I am starting to ever so gently and carefully branch out. I look forward to hearing more about your adventures!

    Liked by 1 person

    • New paths can be scary. And yet I’ve never regretted setting out. In my wildest imagination I never thought I’d meet so many wonderful pilgrims as I’ve met on here. You’re going to love your traveling companions! So glad you stopped by for a chat. Looking forward to getting to know you. Have a wonderful day.

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  16. Every journey must be lived, accepted, learned and loved. I think you have the tenacity to do it all, Dragonfly and not necessarily in that order. I like your pics and the your writing. Thank you. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Yes, it is crucial to find your own way. Other than that one may find themselves as in a nightmare, like a bunch of drones, some one crashes into a room filled with said drones; Yells with no sound but unleashes a nightmarish fear and you all run out a exit door, leading down a slide, toward a bottomless pit. Yes there are unplumbed depths, waiting, patience, don’t be dissuaded, what you want isn’t so selfish, especially when learned and disseminated.

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  18. Hope this works!!! ❤️

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  19. So,,,I’m sitting here with a cup of peppermint tea,,,and listening to Enya’s a day without rain. I’ve been playint it none stop for the last 3 days…..imagine my surprise (but then again, maybe not so surprised) to see the video you have posted here…..kismet at play once again!!??!?! :)))))))

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s my favorite Enya album. Pilgrim is my favorite song on there. I’m on my way out to buy a Chromebook so I can still get on my blog and work while we’re gone. SO glad Drollery is letting me do this. I was starting to have the bends already. Not much memory, but will use a flashdrive. Almost small enough to fit in my purse. Off brand – Acer. But it’s only $169. Hopefully it’ll last for a while since that’s all I’ll be using it for.

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  20. elizabeth ann johnson-murphree said:

    What I wonderful way to describe one’s self. The reason being it could have been gathered from within my own thoughts. Thank you for following, your comments and I am so pleased to have found you. Have a great adventurous day. Ann

    Liked by 1 person

  21. I enjoyed this very much. I feel like we are very similar when it comes to being emotional. My family doesnt even know for the most part about my writing, i always hide it. Im a very social person and for the most part i let people see what i want them to see. Once you expose yourself its like you can never get that back. Thats a great accomplishment you have made, maybe one day I can make it to. 🙂


    • Yeah, I am very emotional, although as I’ve gone through this process I’m finding more balance. My family has always known I write and journal. They just didn’t care. None of them wanted to pick my journal up and read it. I think that’s one reason I wondered if blogging would be a good outlet for me. Putting it out there about my difficulties with my faith is lagging behind a little bit, but I’ll get there. You are right. Once you put it out there, you can’t go back. Be brave and bold. We’re all in this together! 😉


  22. Where do I buy the ticket for this ride?
    I’ve never heard that Enya song before. Love it. And I’ve been searching for the answer to that question for years, decades. Maybe that’s who I are.

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  23. So many echoes here from my own life. Beautifully said. And thank you for the Enya song.

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  24. beautiful


  25. platosgroove said:

    If you have not yet, write the Dragonfly story. There may be more there than you know. Something that has been around a long time may have really cool stuff in there somewhere.

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  26. platosgroove said:

    I wrote a story about a princess and a dragonfly. They have spiritual meaning for many cultures and apparently for you too. Your way seems to be guided by a gentle spirit at least that is what I read in your words. But I know if you are in this process there is the entire spectrum of “spirits” that move you at times, even to the point of what seems like breaking. Blessings to you and yours.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You know, I spent a lot of time trying to figure out why God had given me the dragonfly for a muse in my life. There’s a story attached to that for another time! But in the end the explanation was far more simple than deeply spiritual. I think it really is that my personality is just so flighty. I can be up one day, down the next, agitated, then totally at peace. I’m a real wing nut that way. But you’re right, I’m in a process of finding myself and struggling with faith issues , and am moved at times by all sorts of things. Thank you so much for stopping by. Tried to return the favor but can’t get to your site for some reason.


    • What a blessing you turned out to be in my life… ❤

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  27. love it x love it all 🙂 I’m with you on the journey … a path of discovery awaits, and I’m not quite sure where I start; but start I will x


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