The Power of a Word



Hey gals and guys! Long time no see! I sure hope all is well with you and yours. I will be by your place with a plate of cookies to see what you’ve been up to…

I promised myself I was going to get back on here when the new year started. I’m almost a day late and a dollar short! But I made it.

I always try to make some good resolutions in January, but they always fizzle out. So this year I decided to go the “Word” route and pick a word to define my new year. Have you ever done that? I was most successful the year i chose the word JOY. I plastered the word in rooms all over the house to remind me to look at the positive side of thing. I was actually surprised at how it changed my attitude. So I prayed a little 60-second prayer and asked the Creator to show me what word I should live by this year.

Well, I happened to run across this magazine I’d never heard of before — “Everyday Faith”. It piqued my curiosity. I wanted to see if others struggled with “keeping the faith” like I do. It’s no big secret to folks who know me that I’m a “bi-polar” believer. The state of my faith depends entirely on the mood I’m in or the day it’s been. I’m always curious as to if I’m in a boat by myself? But I digress!

Anyway, I bought it and settled in at home to have a quiet read. Imagine my surprise when I opened to the first article and the word “Intention” jumped out at me. Not once, but SIX times on the page. It was obvious to me I had my theme word for the year. The title of the article was”Choose Your 2024 Word of the Year.” I was excited, thought it was very cool and NOT a coincidence.

To add a bit of fun to it, the article gave contained a QR code you could scan and take a quiz that would suggest the right word for you. So, adventurous sort that I am, I took the quiz. I was sure it was going to come up “Intentional.” But naw. It gave me the word “Simplify.” Now I was confused because it felt right to me also. Then it dawned on me my theme for the year wasn’t a word, but a phrase: “Simplify Intentionally.”

I knew immediately that was right. I’m always behind in my housekeeping chores because I’m not at all intentional about them. (Or I’m just plain lazy!) But it had never occurred to me I could be wrestling with way too many things to do in the house. Maybe my mistake was I DID need to simplify. There’s a lot of stuff in our house that doesn’t have it’s own home here. I believe the state our family is in is called CHAOS because of that little detail. (Anyone out there live in THAT neighborhood, too?)

But I think the reality was I’m going to be going on dialysis in March if my numbers are not up by then. I’m already struggling with bouts of fatigue, and I suspect it may get worse before it gets better. So I think this was God’s way of telling me I’d best get off my keister NOW and make this house more manageable. I’m listening. I bought a magazine called “I Love Organizing: Secrets for Staying Organized.” Nope. There are no coincidences. That magazine is a jewel! If you live in the same “burb” as me, I highly recommend it. My family is amazed at what all I’ve accomplished in the last two week. And so am I.

Anyway, that’s what I’ve been up to since Christmas, which was very quiet as our grand-kiddos were visiting their other grandpa and grandma in Idaho for the holidays. And now we are planning a retirement party for his nibs come March, finally!

Anyway, it’s nice to be back. I hope someday to be able to figure out how to work this blog again! Lots of changes since I’ve been away! Any tips would be most appreciated. I can’t even figure out how to italicize the words! Help! Anyhoo…

Later Dudes & Dudettes!
